Finding Your Meaning and Purpose in Your Life
Wouldn’t life be great if you came to earth with a written instruction manual telling you who you were, what you were going to be and what you have to do to find your meaning and purpose in your life?
Please forgive me for being a little “Spiritual” at this point but you did make such a plan when you were in Spirit, and I am calling it your Soul Contract. It has also been called your Chart. You made it with the help of your “Spiritual Team” being all those guiding and protecting you and other Elders whom you sought counsel within Spirit.
Back to the world you know and can experience with all your five senses. Before you can find your meaning and purpose, you first have to decide who you are regarding your character and personality you have elected to portray in this lifetime.
I have recently finished reading Sylvia Browne’s book Life on the Other Side, co-authored with Lindsay Harrison, and subtitled A Psychic’s Tour of the Afterlife.
This book is the first one I have read authored by Sylvia Browne, and I found her knowledge of a subject that I have researched for years, the Afterlife, an excellent summation of what I have read before from other Authors on this topic.
Of course, most people will have stopped reading this by now and think I have a screw loose. I am not trying to win any popularity contest. For many years I was anonymous as an Author until informed by my Guides to make my name more visible for greater credibility in the cause I selected as the meaning and purpose of my life.
Sylvia Browne and her Spirit Guide Francine have identified forty-four Life Themes from which we chose one or more of to be portrayed in this lifetime. This appears in the Appendix of the book, and I heartedly recommend you purchase the book if only to identify which one or more Life Themes you currently portray as this will determine your meaning and purpose in this lifetime.
I will list these Life Themes but refrain from explaining them to you as this will infringe on their copyright and trust by such listing I am not overstepping the copyright provisions:
Activator; Aesthetic Pursuits; Analyser; Banner Carrier; Builder; Catalyst; Cause; Fighter; Controller; Emotionality; Experiencer; Irritant; Justice: Lawfulness; Leader; Loner; Loser; Manipulator; Passivity; Patience; Pawn; Peacemaker; Performer; Persecution; Persecutor; Poverty; Psychic; Rejection; Rescuer; Responsibility; Spirituality; Survival; Temperance; Tolerance; Victim; Victimiser; Warrior; Winner.
None of these Life Themes is easily understood merely by their title. Each one has a balance within them that requires correct behaviour to ensure that the meaning and purpose behind the Life Themes chosen are achieved.
I will give you a clue and say that choosing to be a Victim in this lifetime is one of the most courageous and invaluable Life Themes to chose. So not is all that it seems from the title of the Life Themes.
Once you know what Life Themes you have chosen, then you can begin to get a better understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life.
In your decision to return to earth and to chose your life here down to its minutest detail, you needed to experience the negative issues that required you face up to and overcome these issues that remain unresolved in the wholeness of who You truly are. These are gaping holes in your soul that need repairing so that you can become complete in your wholeness and some would say your holiness!
You chose your Life Themes based on fixing these gaping holes in your soul, and that is the true meaning and purpose of your life this time around.
It takes tremendous courage to leave the Unconditional Love in Spirit and come down to earth and face the negativity that needs to be overcome. You do so because of the eternal growth of your Soul towards wholeness and holiness of the perfection we call Creator/Source/ Universe and other such names for the Deity.
Finding your meaning and purpose is the starting point for repairing those gaping holes in your soul.