Growing Towards Long- Lasting Happiness, Joy And Bliss

July 31, 2018


If we desire to grow we have to learn to embrace change. Not only embrace it but lovingly desire it too as you would a Lover. If you and your Lover embrace and desire it, you may intentionally procreate change by enabling the birth of a child. Now you will really know growth and change in your life!

With that same passion and fervour, you should embrace all change in your life.

My acronym for CHANGE is Clearing Healing And New Gifts Emerging.

By embracing such change, growth is inevitable for you and there are no limits to your growth, save the limitations you place in your own way.

Be conscious that growth requires a solid foundation to be built and thereafter the floors above can be added subject to the strength and solidness of the foundation. Do not expect to see much in the way of growth above ground while the necessary foundations are being laid underground.

Do not lose faith in your belief and in your behaviour during these early times when there is nothing to show but a hole in the ground. Others may try and dismiss your plans by pointing to nothing to show for your change and your growth while those foundations are being laid.

Be patient and seek your own counsel and those who have already built what you intend building. Dismiss naysayers with the understanding that it is easy to criticise and difficult to create something of value.

There is an apt quote here from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow from the 1800’s;

The height by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.”

If your growth has soul based love as its engine driving it forward then you can see yourself growing towards being Godlike and not simply going forward to meet an objective, goal or dream.

The growth incorporating such a loving nature brings in its wake long-lasting happiness, joy and bliss.

About Neville Berkowitz

Neville was born on 4 July 1952 and has been a successful Global Real Estate Economist; Institutional Investment Adviser; Real Estate Developer and Investor; Author; Publisher; Internet Entrepreneur; meditator; spiritually conscious being; sportsman; and, most importantly, a loving father to his two best friends - his sons, Michael and Jonathan.