
A Treasury of Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom

December 14, 2020

A Treasury of Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom is a summation of my 26 spiritually- based free books on both personalempowerment.co and guidespeak.com. The synopsis of each book is between 4-9 pages and allows you to see if the free book is of interest and benefit for you to download and read. Download e-Book (1.8 MB)

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Spiritual Fireside Chats

May 9, 2016

Free e-book download for spiritual awareness and personal empowerment to fulfil your potential as a spiritual being and as a human being. A dialogue between Neville and a younger person involving 127 chats covering the basics and advanced roles of spiritual self development and understanding leading one to live a life free of friction and […]

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Physical facilities for teaching and learning personal empowerment

September 25, 2014

In time, Neville will look to freely assist those people worldwide who wish to establish facilities where they can teach personal empowerment, formally or informally, using their own developed knowledge and ways of empowerment and reach out to assist others who are also on their own journey of discovery. Upon retirement Neville will look to establish one or more […]

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How to Survive and Thrive as an Entrepreneur

Neville started his entrepreneurial business in July 1977 at the tender age of 25. He managed to create a business with Global Associates in 17 countries on 5 continents. His business interests span real estate, investment advisory, publishing and Internet development: recruitment, job creation, career management services, cognitive behavioural coaching and social media content services. […]

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How To Be A Great Negotiator

Any relationship you have requires verbal and non-verbal communication skills — and that needs great negotiation skills. These negotiation skills are not to teach you to be manipulative and achieve your goals but rather to be understanding and accommodative and so achieve a win-win negotiation whereby you are welcomed back time and again, while achieving even more than you initially wanted from the negotiation.

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5000 Years of Wisdom to Guide You

More than 3000 years ago the famous Chinese book the I Ching stated: “The superior man acquaints himself with many sayings and many deeds of the past, in order to strengthen his character thereby.”

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