Ego = Failure

Learning to become more egoless and humble.

Flagrant ego is the root of many of man’s failures.This not only affects the ego-driven person but their immediate family suffers too as does their business and work colleagues.
Ego-obsessed people are insufferable and usually abuse the power they have over others.
Ego = Failure is an attempt to point out examples of such potential and actual ego engineered failure in one’s life and to make the reader aware of the signals to look out for to avoid the ego-based catastrophe coming around the corner.
The second part of the book is a more practical “how-to” become more egoless and humble in your approach to life, to yourself, and the people and others in your orbit.
This is truly a life-changing book and happiness beckons for those who heed its lessons.
Download e-Book (6.5 MB)

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