Managing Your Stress Effectively

Stress is the cause of many diseases and areas of unhappiness in one’s life but it can be managed effectively with greater awareness and techniques shown in this free book.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts that by 2020 heart disease and depression will be the first and second leading causes of disability in developed countries and stress is the culprit in both cases.
Stress is caused by thoughts. You can’t buy stress in a shop. It does not exist other than in your mind.
Neville Berkowitz begins by showing you various techniques to handle your stress effectively.
Neville has also analysed the 10 major stresses identified in the annual Stress in America survey from the American Psychological Association. These stresses are globally relevant too.
These major stresses are: technology; money; work;  economy; familial relationships; family responsibility; health issues; job stability; housing costs and personal safety.
Neville has also provided solutions for you of these 10 major stresses from both a practical viewpoint in the first section of the book and then from a spiritual viewpoint in the second section of the book.

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