
Marriage is for Growth, and not only for Happiness

February 1, 2021

We all desire to be happily married. Regrettably less than 5% of marriages lasting more than eight years can be termed happy, some 45% become “get-along” marriages, and some 50% end in divorce after eight years.. The free book will guide you and empower your growth to become among the 5% of happily married couples […]

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A Treasury of Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom

December 14, 2020

A Treasury of Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom is a summation of my 26 spiritually- based free books on both and The synopsis of each book is between 4-9 pages and allows you to see if the free book is of interest and benefit for you to download and read. Download e-Book (1.8 MB)

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Nothing matters except, Love and Light

December 4, 2020

God is Love and Light. We are a part of God and are also Love and Light at our essence. By removing one’s ego out of the equation any situation can be vastly improved. By using the Love and Light within you as the solution, your life will be filled with joy and bliss. Download […]

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The Pathless Path to Oneness

October 30, 2020

Many people are searching for a way to transcend to a level of awareness and consciousness of finding a Higher Power without rules, regulations, rituals, traditions, and superstitions based on religious beliefs and practices. The search includes seeking for their Higher Power within themselves in the terms they can understand, and, most importantly, feel, as […]

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Understanding and Elevating Your Vibrations

September 25, 2020

“Everything is a vibration,” according to Albert Einstein. He also stated that “everything is energy, and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be said no other way; this is not a philosophy; this is physics.” Abraham, […]

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Reducing Your Worry and Anxiety

June 3, 2020

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people will suffer from some form of mental health issue during their lifetime. During 2016-2019, some 20% of people in countries like the USA and the United Kingdom were being medically treated for anxiety and/or depression. Reducing Your Worry and Anxiety is a non-medical, free, […]

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Finding and Knowing God Within You

April 28, 2020

Many of us grew up aware that a Higher Power was somewhere “up there”. We envisage a heaven somewhere up there and a Higher Power of our belief system to live there. Let’s call this Higher Power, God, for simplicity sake. This book will take you on a journey to find and know that God […]

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The Purpose and Meaning of your Life in terms of your Soul Contracts

January 2, 2020

The Purpose and Meaning of your Life in terms of your Soul Contracts will give you a much better understanding of what you are doing here on earth. When you were in Spirit you chose everything you have experienced so far in this lifetime; are currently experiencing, and will be experiencing. In Spirit, you knew […]

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GAIN – God And I Now

August 13, 2019

In this book, I have focused on how to develop a personal relationship with one’s Higher Power, whatever name you give to that Higher Power. I have used God as it ties in well with the acronym I made up-GAIN- God And I Now.Such a personal relationship is experiential and each person will experience such […]

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Laugh Your Stress Away

February 18, 2019

We all know how wonderful we feel when we laugh and when we hear other people laughing around us. Our energy vibration levels rise, and we see life differently.

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The Power Of Hope

February 11, 2019

Charles Revson, the founder of Revlon, said, “In the factory we produce perfume, but in the shop we sell hope.”

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The Beauty Of Kindness Is Long Lasting

February 3, 2019

As I get older, I realise that beautiful people aren’t the ones with svelte figures and high cheekbones or rippling muscles and square jaws but rather people who are kind and generous to others.

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Time To Get Some Perspective

December 11, 2018

To obtain a perspective of your supposedly “life or death issue” that is stressing you out, I want to share the story below with you. Please remember it, like I do, every time I lose perspective of the bigger picture.

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Abundance Is An Attitude Not A Bank Account

November 22, 2018

We are a part of the Creator of universes who is unconditional Love and Light and so are we if we could only get out of our own ego-based lives and recognise this unlimited abundance as our essence.

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Four Levels Of Appreciation Of You

November 15, 2018

There are four levels of appreciation that I want to discuss. Firstly, there is someone showing your appreciation. Secondly, there is you showing appreciation to someone or something. Thirdly, there is self-appreciation and fourthly there is appreciation to and from Spirit.

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Failure Is An Event And Never A Person

November 9, 2018

There is no such thing as failure, simply learning experiences. We need to rephrase our language and understanding that not achieving what we aimed for is not a failure but learning another way to do it better.

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Listening – The Relationship Builder

November 5, 2018

People who merely hear and do not listen effectively cannot hope to have a good relationship with themselves and with others important to them in their lives. Effective listening is the foundational building block of any relationship. This free book will hopefully show you how to listen effectively and deepen all your relationships to become […]

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The Recipe For Good Health

October 26, 2018

Health is a term used to denote balance and ill health is used to define out of balance. There are many forms of health. Physical bodily health. Mental health. Financial Health. Happiness health. Spiritual health. And so on.

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